Submit & Login

Here, you can check the steps in submitting your ASOBIMO Account and logging in.

Submission Steps

Set your e-mail address and password to your game data to submit to an ASOBIMO Account.

Select "Submit" when submitting for the first time for your ASOBIMO Account.

Input your e-mail address and password (2 times) and choose "Submit".

[Mail Address]
-Please enter mail address that can receive mails.
-We recommend you to submit free mail address such as Gmail.
-If you submit with carrier mail, please remember to "Change Mail Address" in case the address becomes invalid (by switching device, etc.)

-Please avoid simple and easily guessed password such as "111111", "abcde", or "abc123".
-Password must be single-byte "alphabet" or "number", and at least one of both must be contained.

A verification email has been sent to the submitted address.
Click the Link in the e-mail and submission for ASOBIMO Account will be completed.

Please check "I don't have any e-mails sent to my submitted address." if an e-mail is not sent to you.

Login Steps

Choose "Login" to play with the character data of the submitted ASOBIMO Account.

Input the submitted e-mail address and password for your ASOBIMO Account and choose "Login".

Your e-mail address and password will be saved and inputted from the next time you Login when the "Save input info" has been checked.

If you see this screen, you have completed in logging in.